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  • Windows System Restore Windows System Restore

    Windows 7 is reliable and stable. But it is also subject to failures. There are many reasons for this (the effect of a computer virus, incorrect installation of drivers or software, incorrect optimization, etc.). Full...

  • How to change username correctly How to change username correctly

    In this article we will: tell you how to correctly change the username in Windows; Let's understand the terms: find out what the various fields that describe the account mean; Let's describe a situation that users often find themselves in when trying...

  • Phantom power for microphone Phantom power for microphone

    Many who design audio equipment (in particular, preamplifiers) have probably required a phantom power supply in some design. In addition to using such a unit as part of a design (for example, a power supply for...

  • The procedure for updating the 1s 8 server The procedure for updating the 1s 8 server

    If you see a window like this when you launch any 1C infobase, this means that you are working with an outdated platform and it needs to be updated: It is highly not recommended to continue working with the current version of the platform...

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