Aquarium with fish screensaver. Fish live wallpaper. Wallpaper for phone

7Fon is a service that will help you easily find beautiful wallpapers for your desktop background. We have collected here more than 140 thousand pictures from all over the Internet, we carefully check each one before adding it to the site. More than a hundred new wallpapers appear on our resource every day. And if we find a better copy of the picture, we replace it. All this guarantees screensavers of excellent quality.

Ease of choosing wallpaper

The highlight of our site is a fast and convenient intelligent image search system.

Searching images by color is a unique feature on 7Fon. To search for photos of a specific color, click on the color circle in the search bar at the top of the page. Next, using a convenient palette, select the desired shade and click “Search”. As a result, our smart algorithm will automatically select wallpapers in which this color predominates. Be sure to use this tool - we tried :)

And of course, there is a text search for desktop wallpapers. We assign tags to each picture, which makes searching easier. By the way, we implemented it in 7 languages, including Ukrainian and Russian. Enter into the search field what should be shown in the picture, the language will be automatically detected.

Selecting screensaver size and editing

On the picture page, there are dozens of resolutions of the most popular monitors. You can download the wallpaper in original size or select the one you want before downloading. Using the crop frame, the image can be pre-cropped.

Another feature of ours is photo editing using an online editor. To the left of the “Download” button there is a button with a palette, this is where this monster is hiding. In terms of its capabilities, it is very similar to Photoshop - your imagination will have plenty of room to run wild!

Wallpaper for phone

Using the QR code, you can download the wallpaper to your phone. This is very convenient, because by finding a picture from your computer and then scanning the QR code, you can instantly download it to your smartphone or tablet for a screensaver on your home screen.

We are sure that 7Fon will become indispensable for you when you decide to download wallpapers for your desktop!

According to recent surveys, the aquarium screensaver is the most popular solution for Windows 10. If you want to download this Screen Saver for free, we recommend using the solution from this page.

Microsoft is famous for taking care of even the smallest details in its operating systems. And this is good, but it even spoiled many, because when before we had standard games, and a lot of screensavers and many other small but very pleasant details, it is now surprising that now the OS does not even have the famous aquarium.

This screensaver is ready to compete for the title of leader even with famous works or a space theme. We recommend not to get carried away, since such additions to the OS can load it so much that normal operation will be impossible. After all, many people struggle to speed up their PC, or simply clean it, but here you are doing exactly the opposite - making the operating system harder to work with.

Yes, and in exactly the same way as in all previous versions of the OS, that is, using standard features. But something has changed. Now it’s easier for you to use specialized software rather than standard solutions. And it's not because Microsoft has done anything worse, this time it's not the same. This is because you now have a chance to use third-party products that are better than the official ones. You will receive not just one aquarium, but a whole set, which is better than the standard one for a number of reasons:

  • Supports various skids and allows modifications;
  • Customizable from A to Z;
  • Consumes less energy than the classic solution;

You will be surprised, but if we take the classic and compare how many watts per hour your computer spends with it, and compare this figure with how much is spent using a third-party solution, then the second will win, and unquestionably.

How to use screensaver software

You should immediately understand that this is like a shell for other graphics. Those. the utility only installs it, but includes a limited set of data. You can expand it. To do this, just download new skins. It's simple, because... Even on our website some graphics are presented and it is enough to use the built-in search. Moreover, you can even make your own decision using another graphic editor. Try it!

If you want to have only fish on the screen, then you don’t even have to download anything. This screensaver is built into the utility initially, just like 10+ other solutions. That is why the program weighs more than 100 MB, since it contains high-quality graphics. But at the same time, it is light enough not to waste your PC's resources. The latter is especially true for those who work on a laptop.

You can download the aquarium screensaver for Windows 10 not as part of the utility, but separately, in the format of a standard screensaver, and this is also free. Choose your option.

Don’t be alarmed that the name of the distribution contains the words “XP”; this product also works on the tens base.

7Fon is a service that will help you easily find beautiful wallpapers for your desktop background. We have collected here more than 140 thousand pictures from all over the Internet, we carefully check each one before adding it to the site. More than a hundred new wallpapers appear on our resource every day. And if we find a better copy of the picture, we replace it. All this guarantees screensavers of excellent quality.

Ease of choosing wallpaper

The highlight of our site is a fast and convenient intelligent image search system.

Searching images by color is a unique feature on 7Fon. To search for photos of a specific color, click on the color circle in the search bar at the top of the page. Next, using a convenient palette, select the desired shade and click “Search”. As a result, our smart algorithm will automatically select wallpapers in which this color predominates. Be sure to use this tool - we tried :)

And of course, there is a text search for desktop wallpapers. We assign tags to each picture, which makes searching easier. By the way, we implemented it in 7 languages, including Ukrainian and Russian. Enter into the search field what should be shown in the picture, the language will be automatically detected.

Selecting screensaver size and editing

On the picture page, there are dozens of resolutions of the most popular monitors. You can download the wallpaper in original size or select the one you want before downloading. Using the crop frame, the image can be pre-cropped.

Another feature of ours is photo editing using an online editor. To the left of the “Download” button there is a button with a palette, this is where this monster is hiding. In terms of its capabilities, it is very similar to Photoshop - your imagination will have plenty of room to run wild!

Wallpaper for phone

Using the QR code, you can download the wallpaper to your phone. This is very convenient, because by finding a picture from your computer and then scanning the QR code, you can instantly download it to your smartphone or tablet for a screensaver on your home screen.

We are sure that 7Fon will become indispensable for you when you decide to download wallpapers for your desktop!

  • Enjoy the enchanting smooth movement of aquarium fish with one of the most beautiful animated 3D Aquarium screensavers.

  • Do you want a real aquarium on your monitor? Then the 3D screensaver “Silver Carp Aquarium” is what you need!

  • The world of the deep sea is on your computer. Install the Marine Aquarium screensaver and enjoy its exotic beauty.

  • If you have always dreamed of having your own aquarium, but there is no way to install it, do not despair. The “Marine Aquarium 2” screensaver can be a worthy replacement for any aquarium.

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There is probably no person who would not love to watch peacefully swimming aquarium fish. You can look at this endlessly. Thanks to aquarium screensavers you can create your own personal aquarium, choosing the number of its inhabitants, changing the appearance of the aquarium, as well as many other parameters.

It's free right now download aquarium screensaver and create a unique exotic island of nature on your computer. Like living aquarium fish, colorful corals and much more will always be near you. Wherever you are - at home or at work, download any screensaver from the Aquarium section for free and it will delight and surprise you with its beauty every day.

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Many psychologists have already proven that an aquarium with fish helps relieve stress and get in the mood for work. If you do not have the opportunity to have an aquarium at home, then you can use the simplest but most effective method. Specially, the Dream Aquarium application will help you create a realistic aquarium on your desktop. This screensaver has a good algorithm for the behavior of fish, which makes observing them, like real ones, an interesting and relaxing experience. This screensaver is customizable in detail, allowing you to select fish, plants, and aquarium type. If you want to put an interactive screensaver on your desktop as an aquarium, then download the Dream Aquarium program.

Main features:
The most realistic fish movement among analogues;
There is a fiddler crab that cleans the base of the tank and chases the fish.
The fish has clearly defined ribs, moving eyes, notches and a mouth.
Every design detail has been worked out - water plants, light, shadows, bubbles, fish, etc.
Feeding pets at the touch of a key.
The ability to change the number of fish manually without leaving the aquarium.
Automatic change of aquarium types.

Version Features:
Type: installation
Languages: Russian, English
Treatment: carried out
Additionally: pick up settings from the Settings.reg file

Command line switches:
Silent installation of the Russian version: /S /RU
Silent installation of the English version: /S /EN
Select installation location: /D=PATH
The key /D=PATH should be specified as the latest one
For example: Dream.Aquarium.v1.2592.exe /S /RU /D=C:\MyProgram

Language: Russian, English
Activation: yes
Size: 8.2 MB

Download Dream Aquarium 1.2592 Screensaver