The most activity in VK time. The best time to publish posts on social networks. Choosing the right timing for posting

However, different social networks may offer you maximum reach and effectiveness at different times. For example, on Facebook and Instagram it is better not to post at the same time. If you take into account multiple time zones, the task of choosing the ideal publishing time becomes even more difficult.

When planning your publication times, focus on where most of your readers and clients live.

When is the best time to post on Instagram?

The best time to post on Instagram is during lunch from 11:00 to 13:00 and after work from 19:00 to 21:00. Most users of this social network access the platform from smartphones, so they are rarely online during the working day.

When is the best time to post on Twitter?

The best time to post on Twitter is during lunch from 12:00 to 13:00. The hours before lunch are no less effective.

When is the best time to post on Pinterest?

The best time to post on Pinterest is from 20:00 to 23:00. This social network is used more often by mothers, which may be why they tend to post late at night.

  • Saturday is the best day to post on Pinterest. Sunday is the worst.
  • Office hours are not as popular among Pinterest users. Publications at this time attract less attention.

When is the best time to post videos on YouTube?

The best time to post videos on YouTube is from 12:00 to 16:00. Most viewers watch videos in the afternoon, so this is the best time to post content.

  • Thursday and Friday are the best days to post on YouTube.
  • Many users also watch videos on weekends; the best time to post on these days is from 9:00 to 11:00.

Best time to publish 2018

No matter how much the owners of public spaces on social networks would like it, there is no clear best time to publish posts. This depends on many factors, the most significant of which are: the type of social network, the audience of the group or public, the topic of the public, and much more.

The ideal publication time for one public page or social network as a whole may be completely inappropriate for another similar resource.

Optimal time to post on VKontakte

When posting on the VKontakte social network, you should take into account the following factors: the time when the social network’s traffic is maximum, the topic of the public in which the post will be posted, the characteristics of the public’s audience (age, interests) and other smaller features.

With the time of maximum traffic on VKontakte, everything is extremely simple, the largest online is from 19 to 21 hours Moscow time. For most publics, this time is ideal, but not for everyone. For example, in different public pages designed for teenage audiences, attendance times differ in general. In such public pages, it is best to post during the daytime, because that is when the largest number of teenagers are on VKontakte.

There are also public pages designed for an audience of a specific region or time zone. For example: public pages with local news or other similar groups. In this case, you should focus exclusively on local time.

Optimal time to post on Odnoklassniki

In general, all recommendations for publishing posts will be approximately the same as for the VKontakte social network. These resources have the same audience, so there will be virtually no differences in publication time.

The best time to post on Facebook

With the social network FaceBook, everything is somewhat more complicated, since Russian-speaking users make up only a small part of the entire audience of this resource. Therefore, when publishing your post, in addition to the previously listed things, it is worth considering many new factors that are absent in exclusively Russian-language social networks.

If you look at the audience in general, then the time of greatest attendance begins at 13:00 and ends at 15:00 Moscow time. It is better to post English-language posts at this time. Also, the period of greatest traffic on Facebook is perfect for publishing posts that do not contain text (various pictures, songs, music videos) on English-language public pages.

With Russian-language posts, you should follow the same tips as for Russian social networks (Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki). The overwhelming majority of the Russian-speaking Facebook audience visits the site at the same time as VKontakte with Odnoklassniki.

Optimal time to post on Twitter

Twitter is less demanding when it comes to posting times. In this social network, high traffic lasts much longer than in most other similar resources. But even taking this into account, you should not publish your posts at random.

You should definitely not post at night; at this time, traffic to the resource is almost minimal, which makes publishing a pointless exercise. There are no other specific guidelines for posting on Twitter. Many tips that apply to other social networks can also be applied to Twitter.

Optimal time to post on Instagram

First of all, the time of publication on Instagram depends on the number of your subscribers. If you have no subscribers other than your friends, you should publish at a time that is convenient for them. You don’t even have to try to publish posts during times of peak traffic on Instagram; site users only view posts by popular personalities, and they simply won’t visit your publications. At the same time, your friends may find it inconvenient to view such publications.

If you were able to gain an impressive number of subscribers (at least several hundred), you should start publishing posts during the time of the highest traffic to the site (approximately from 10 to 20 Moscow time). This will increase the number of views of your photos, which will have a positive impact on the development of your Instagram account.

General tips for posting.

  • You can approximate the publication time by looking at popular public pages. You need to find a popular public page with a similar topic and choose the same publication time for your public page.
  • Don't be afraid to post at different times of the day. Through trial and error, you can achieve results that most of the most popular resources cannot achieve.

Many SMMers are very often interested in what time is best to post in their group. Western colleagues have written a lot of articles about this and drawn a bunch of infographics. But all this is about facebook, twitter, pinterest, and not about our VKontakte, in which we spend a lot of time.

In fact, this article will not talk about publishing posts in your group or public page, but about what time is the best time to place ads in VK communities to attract users to the group or to commercial websites (you are selling something)

It’s probably worth starting with the fact that, like television, the Internet has prime time - the period of time during which the maximum number of users are on the Internet. VK also has prime time. It looks something like this

  • Activity – users online on the social network VKontakte
  • Color - the redder, the more users are online at a given time period
  • Spaces— at some points in time it was not possible to obtain data from VK
  • Data - Russia, Moscow, different age groups (gathered separately)
  • Time– according to Moscow time

From the picture “14-80” you can see that the general “prime time” starts at 20:00 every day of the week (a little less on Friday and Saturday) and ends at 00:00.

Activity (the number of online users in VK) begins to grow from 8 am to 16:00 where it freezes until 20:00 and the growth continues after which, at approximately 01:00, it begins to quickly fall until 04:00. From 04:00 to 07:00 the fewest people on the social network are from Moscow.

Few people are interested in the overall picture of activity, so let’s look at the activity of individual age groups

We are interested in the age groups 22-30, 31-45 and 46-80 and the general group 22-80... we have not yet learned to work with schoolchildren, children, except in applications.

Based on the activity of different age groups, it is possible to build template models of user behavior. It roughly looks like this

...woke up, had breakfast, checked via smartphone to see if anyone had posted on social media overnight, on the way to work, turned on the computer at work, looked at “My News”, received the first stream of information to discuss with colleagues at lunch, worked until lunch , sometimes distracted by “My News” and personal messages, had lunch, after lunch, to get into work mode, I checked the social network again for new messages, and also quickly ran through the news feed, worked, before leaving work I checked the social network again, road home, came tired, washed, ate, turned on the radio or my playlist on social networks, continued to do household chores, sometimes got distracted by answers in private messages, shared a couple of funny pictures for relaxation and a sense of moral satisfaction, watched some TV series or movie on a social network, fell asleep...

Of course, for a more accurate template construction, a survey of the group that will be targeted by advertising on a social network (target audience) is necessary.

My personal experience in promoting a meta-search engine for air tickets showed that social network users react to information about air ticket sales (like, repost, follow links) better from 11:00 to 15:00, the peak of transitions from advertising occurred precisely at 11:00-12:00 . At the same time, advertising in prime time did not give the same effect, despite the high activity of users of the social network.

The heat map shows that most requests for advertising in groups are placed between 13:00 and 16:00 on weekdays. Most advertisers have come to the right conclusion - VKontakte’s “prime time” is not suitable for advertising, users want to relax and do household chores, and not receive information about tire sales in a group about cats.

In fact, based on the information above, you can draw conclusions about effective posting to your group or public page:

  • Understand who your user (target) is: at what time he is active on the social network, what he does, what communities he is subscribed to - create your own user behavior pattern to determine at what moment and what information he is ready to receive;
  • Experiment and analyze. Track everything you can. Data will help build a behavior pattern

General conclusion

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

Companies create accounts on Instagram in order to disseminate information about goods and services, promotions and discounts among subscribers as much as possible. At one moment, users are active and hearts and comments appear on posts, and at the next, almost no one pays attention. Is it important for a brand to choose the best time to post on Instagram in order to reach all followers as much as possible? Let's check.

If you are interested in comprehensive business promotion on Instagram, read our guide to marketing on this site!

Instagram Algorithms: Why Post Timing Still Matters

The social network supports the smart feed algorithm. The user sees posts not in chronological order, but depending on interests. How does the algorithm determine what is liked and what is not? By behavior: what a person comments and likes, and what posts he simply skips. A person’s attitude towards an account plays an important role.

With a smart algorithm, the audience coverage changes: not all subscribers can see the information. What time to make and post posts still remains relevant on Instagram, albeit not at the same level.

How to find the best time to post on Instagram

Pay attention to your target audience. Young people are active throughout the day and even night, and working people are most likely to check their feed in the morning or evening. Determine when your subscribers are most willing to interact with you and adapt to their times. This way you will achieve maximum coverage. Watch for any signs of activity.

The second important point is time zones. If clients are located all over the world, it will be more difficult to choose the optimal hours, because one client is awake, and the second on the other half of the ball is already falling asleep.

Special statistics tools, such as Iconosquare and Buffer, will help you determine when it’s best to post on Instagram.

How often to delight your subscribers with posts

Regardless of the most popular time for posts, the quality of the content posted on Instagram plays a decisive role. However, posting frequency also helps a brand grow faster.

According to Buffer research, for different companies with the number of publications from 1 to 10, engagement may not have dropped.
Tailwind analyzed 100,000 records to see the importance of frequency. Companies that updated their profiles more than 7 times a week received more likes, comments and subscribers.

When choosing a frequency for a brand, you need to focus on the audience, whether it is ready to accept a large amount of information or whether it should be reduced. Publishing requires preparation and high-quality materials, which takes a lot of time. Perhaps it will not be enough for too active introduction of the profile.

Optimal time of day

Try experimenting with different periods of time. Each period has its advantages:

  • Morning hours. Many people go to social networks to wake up and get inspired for the next day. A fresh post will attract their attention.
  • The middle of the day when subscribers have a lunch break. Typically during these hours they check updates and share news with others.
  • Evening. Most people return from work, travel by transport, and rest. Your mobile phone is always at hand and you can check your feed for updates.
  • Night. Almost no one posts when everyone is asleep. Low competition will make it more visible. The first likes will come from young people who like to stay up late.

Don’t get hung up on one period, combine and analyze the results.

When is the best time to post on Instagram, taking into account the content?

Photos can be viewed at any time, but with videos it’s not so easy. When is the best time to publish video posts on Instagram? Research says that in the evening. And there is an explanation for this: people return from work, can turn on the sound and concentrate on the video. Or weekends when subscribers have a lot of free time.

It is also better to move the live broadcast to the end of the week or to the evening. If this is not possible, warn the audience in advance: publish an announcement with the date and time of the event, expand on the topic to convince the subscriber to join you.

Let's analyze the days of the week:

  • Monday. Not the best day for information that makes you think and make a decision. On this day, it is best to add entertaining content: humorous pictures, tips, motivation, etc.
  • Tuesday. The transition from weekend to work is over, subscribers are already ready to perceive important information. Talk about analytics and numbers.
  • Wednesday. Many brands prefer to post the internal process and show the results of the work. Share your participation in important conferences and contributions to social projects. Show that the work is in full swing and is bearing fruit.
  • Thursday. Tell us about your clients. Share your activities with clients. Many companies use this trick.
  • Friday. Just like on Monday, it is better not to leave important information in subscribers’ feeds. They will be more likely to enjoy fun and encouraging content heading into the weekend.
  • Weekend. If you still want, you can publish light and pleasant content or plans for the next week, motivating your subscribers.

Things to remember

  • Within 4 hours, the post gets the most views and likes.
  • The speed of gaining likes and subscribers contributes to promotion using hashtags. Make content high quality and unique.
  • Diversify your content. Publish not only products and services, but also news, articles on the topic, and don’t forget about entertainment content.
  • Don't forget about feedback from subscribers. Organize giveaways: they significantly increase audience engagement.
  • Research and select hashtags. By increasing the reach of the display, you will show the publication not only to followers, but also to other, possibly potential clients.
  • Unlike other social networks, Instagram does not allow publishing without the participation of the author. However, you can use dedicated notification tools. They allow you to prepare a post in advance and remind you when to press the last button.

About research

Huffington Post, MarketingProfs, CoSchedule and SumAll conducted research on the best time to post on Instagram and found the optimal time. Here's what each one got:

  • from 2:00 to 17:00;
  • from 13:00 to 14:00;
  • 14:00 on Tuesdays;
  • 17:00-18:00 on weekdays, 20:00 - day off.

Conclusion: there is no universally good time to publish posts. It is different for each company and you need to display it yourself.

Let's sum it up

Each brand chooses what time to publish posts on Instagram. Many studies were conducted, but they did not lead to a single result. It all depends on the target audience: when it is active, what it is interested in and how it relates to the company’s profile. Special tools for collecting statistics will help you track the best time to publish. Do not forget that Instagram is a mobile application, and it is always at hand.

One could answer that the best time to post is when the people you want to show the content to are online.

This would be a simple answer, but not a useful one.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to give a definite answer. For different areas of business, this may be different days and times of day. It all depends on the platform you are using, how your target audience interacts with that platform, the region, the type of content (entertainment or serious), and your goals (clicks or shares).

Take this data into account and it will help you determine your ideal time to publish content.

Best time to post on Facebook

People access Facebook from both mobile devices and desktop computers, both at work and at home. How is social media used? the network is entirely dependent on the characteristics of the audience.

Facebook- it's 15.00 on Wednesday. Also, the optimal time includes 12.00-13.00 on Saturday and Sunday, and 13.00-16.00 on Thursday and Friday.

From 13:00 to 16:00 on weekdays the best click-through rate is observed, and towards the end of the week, on Thursdays and Fridays, the engagement rate is the highest.

On Fridays, Facebook traffic increases by 10%. Since people feel happier on Friday, experts advise posting upbeat, upbeat content to match the audience's mood.

The worst time to post on Facebook is on weekends between before 8am and after 8pm.

Post frequency

It is recommended to post at least once a day. Although, again, this depends on the type of content and characteristics of the target audience. In addition, it is worth regularly monitoring the reaction of your audience and promptly responding to questions and comments posted on your page.

Best time to post on Twitter

Like Facebook, people access Twitter from both mobile devices and desktop computers, both at work and at home. And also its use depends entirely on the audience. However, people generally think of Twitter as an RSS feed, something they can read during breaks at work or on their way to work.

Best time to post onTwitter- these are weekdays from 12.00 to 15.00 and at 17.00.

For B2B companies, the most successful days for publications can be considered all weekdays, especially Wednesdays, when the CTR is the highest. For B2C organizations, in addition to Wednesdays, the best days are also weekends. According to research from marketing firm CoSchedule, B2B content performs 16% better during business hours, while B2C content performs 17% better on weekends.

It’s worth repeating that the best time to post varies depending on the area of ​​your business. There are cases where content was successful when published at 2 am, 6 am and 10 pm. Experiment and find the perfect time for you!

Post frequency

The lifespan of a tweet on the visible part of the news feed is quite short, lasting approximately 8 hours. In this regard, in order to consolidate your presence on the feed, it is recommended to post at least 4 times a day. You can even retweet your previous posts if they are still relevant.

Best time to post on Instagram

From the very beginning, Instagram developers assumed that the application would be used on mobile devices. But despite the fact that today people use the Internet anytime and anywhere, they become truly engaged during non-work hours.

The best time to post onInstagramMonday and Thursday can be considered at any time except from 15.00 to 16.00.

As for video, according to research from the marketing company TrackMaven, it is most popular at night on any day of the week from 21.00 to 8.00. Some business areas successfully publish videos on Wednesdays at 19.00, as well as on any day at 2.00. It's worth experimenting with this time.

Post frequency

Analytics company Union Metrics recommends publishing posts as often as possible. According to her research, on average, companies post content on Instagram 1.5 times per day. But there are companies that post every hour throughout the day and are very popular with users.

Best time to post on VKontakte

Similar to Facebook and Twitter, people access VKontakte from both mobile devices and desktop computers, both at work and at home.

The largest number of VKontakte visitors is reached at 21.00. Therefore, the best time to post is from 17.30 to 22.00 every weekday. Also, the optimal time can be considered 13.00-15.00, this is the time of breaks at work, so quite a lot of people are online.

Post frequency

Experts recommend publishing posts at intervals of approximately 2-3 hours, depending on the time of day and the characteristics of your business. You should post more often in the evening than in the morning. But remember that quantity does not always mean quality. Victory will still go to rare, unique content with high-quality images.
