Search for a keyboard shortcut in Total Commander. Hotkeys in Total Commander

If you conduct a survey among experienced PC users on the topic of the best file manager, there is a high probability that the majority of its participants will name the Total Commander program. This is a convenient, free, functional and fast program for managing the computer’s file system, for mounting images, connecting to FTP servers, quickly copying data between disks and removable media and, in general, an indispensable tool for anyone who wants to communicate with their computer directly .

One of the significant advantages of Total Commander is its hotkeys, of which there are countless numbers in this application. In addition, you can configure these keys for yourself so that you can use one keyboard to get to the necessary folders and perform various actions.

Over time, when a month or two passes, you will learn to work with a PC without a mouse, but only using various keyboard shortcuts in your work. In this article you will learn how to make your own hot buttons, what are the most popular keyboard shortcuts and how to use them correctly.

How to customize your own keyboard shortcuts in Total Commander

The possibilities for customizing your own button combinations to open any directories or perform certain actions in Total Commander are practically unlimited. That is, you will create various functions as you go along, when the need arises. For example, you constantly work with two disks and a folder. In order not to waste time searching for this directory in the file system, you can set the appropriate combination in the Total Commander settings to open the directory and use it. Once you try it, you will understand that this is an invaluable function of this file manager!

The function that is responsible for opening a directory is cd. If you have used the standard Far manager before, you are probably familiar with this function. To go to a specific folder, you need to enter cd and the path to the folder. But thanks to the thoughtful settings of Total Commander, you can configure the activation of this function using specific keys. To do this, go to the “Start” menu. Next, click the “Add” button and enter the name of the folder in the line, and in the command field write cd and the path to the directory. For example: cd d:\Video - this command will open the Video folder on drive D. Even lower, you need to enter a key combination that will call this command. Unfortunately, through the “Start” menu you will not be able to find out whether this combination is occupied by any function, so first check this through the Total Commander program interface.

In addition to quickly accessing popular folders, you can also configure other functions. This can be done in the “Configuration” menu in the “General” section. There, find the “Settings” item and in it the “Predefine hotkeys” tab. If you have the Russian version of Total Commander installed, then you can quickly figure out what's what. If any key combinations seem inconvenient to you, you can easily change them to suit yourself to make using Total Commander even easier. Don't get too carried away with adding all the functions in a row for the keys. Do this only if there is a real need and it will speed up working with the file manager interface. For example, a very useful function is “On/Off.” showing hidden files." Sometimes they get in the way, but if you need to quickly see their presence, then hotkeys will always help.

What are the convenient hotkeys in Total Commander?

You may not have to configure anything, since the standard capabilities of the Total Commander program are quite enough for you to quickly perform the necessary operations on your computer without wasting your time. Here is a list of the most useful combinations that will surely come in handy in your work:

  1. Alt + “+” (meaning the plus, which is located in the Num keyboard) - this combination activates the selection of all files of the same format as the current one. That is, you, for example, click on a GIF image, hold down the two indicated keys, and all GIF files in the catalog are instantly selected.
  2. Sometimes the user needs to see the tree (path) of the file system. In Explorer, this function is activated by default, and in Total you need to press Ctrl + F8 to enable the “breadcrumbs” mode. And in order to hide the path, and accordingly speed up the program, hold down the Ctrl + F1 keys.
  3. It happens that there are many subfolders in one directory, and in one of them there is a file that you need. You don’t remember its name, so you have to open folder after folder until you get to the treasured directory with the desired file. But this process can be significantly simplified - just press Ctrl + B - all folders and internal directories of the directory will open in a single list, and you will quickly find the data you are looking for.
  4. If you use Total Commander to work with text documents to organize them, search for text fragments, etc., then you will definitely need the Shift + F4 key combination - a new text file will be automatically created and the editor for it will open. This is much easier than clicking the “Create” button with the mouse and selecting the program in which you want to generate text from the drop-down list.
  5. Another feature that many people dreamed about, but did not know how to activate, is moving a file with automatic renaming. Many people have had a situation when you want to copy a file, but the system displays the error “A file with the same name already exists.” Using the keyboard shortcut Shift + F4, you will quickly forget about this unpleasant error.
  6. You will also need a search function, for which many people install Total on their computer. The fact is that this manager allows you to find duplicates on your computer, search the entire disk inside text documents, search by size, format and even content of audio files. To quickly bring up the search menu, hold Alt + F7.
  7. And if you have long dreamed of having the same history in Explorer as in the browser, with the ability to view recently visited folders, then Total has already implemented this option. To call it, press Alt + down, that is, the down arrow on the keyboard.

Over time, you will learn to cope with the huge number of key combinations that are available in Total Commander. Please note that the combinations of buttons that work in Explorer may cause a completely different function in Total Commander. You may know that in Explorer, the combination Ctrl + F is used to select all files. And in Total, you need to press Ctrl + “+” (the plus, which is located in the Num part of the keyboard). And to deselect, replace the plus with a minus.

Since you are reading this article, it means that you are interested in learning more about useful keyboard shortcuts. Therefore, it is recommended to go to the folder with the Total Commander program and find the KEYBOARD.TXT file. It contains all the information about the button combinations that are available in Total.

Favorite file manager. I used to use everything from Volkov Commander, Norton Commander, Dos Navigator, FAR, mc, then I started trying graphic ones, and I didn’t like TC because it worked much slower than FAR, but now TC is much more convenient surpasses everything.

Although it seems that a lot can be repeated in FAR, but now I don’t even think about it.

The main thing in TC is to go to the command line (Shift+left), the rest will come with age =))

Total Commander Keyboard Shortcuts ======================================= Action Key ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ File panels =============== F1 Help. F2 Refresh panel contents (same as CTRL+R). F3 View files (the viewing method and objects are specified in the settings). F4 Edit files. F5 Copy files. F6 Rename/move files. F7 Create directory. F8 Delete files (same as DEL). F9 Activate the menu above the current panel (far left or far right, respectively). F10 Activate leftmost menu/Exit menu. SHIFT+F1 Select file panel view/Customize column sets. SHIFT+F2 Compare file lists in panels. SHIFT+F3 View only the file under the cursor (if F3 is used to internally view selected files). SHIFT+F4 Create a new text file and load it into the editor. SHIFT+F5 Copy files (with renaming) to the same directory. In the FTP connections panel: copy a file within the current server or to another server. CTRL+SHIFT+F5 Create shortcuts for selected files and directories. SHIFT+F6 Rename files in the same directory. SHIFT+F8 Delete files without placing them in the Trash (same as SHIFT+DEL). SHIFT+F9 or SHIFT+F10 or ContextMenu Show the object's context menu. ALT+F1 Open the list of drives for the left panel. ALT+F2 Open the list of drives for the right panel. ALT+F3 Use an alternative viewer to the one specified for F3 (external or internal). ALT+SHIFT+F3 Load a file into the internal viewer (without plugins and advanced media processing capabilities). ALT+F4 Exit Total Commander. ALT+F5 Pack selected files. ALT+SHIFT+F5 Pack and then delete the original files. ALT+F6 Unpack files. ALT+SHIFT+F6 Test archives. ALT+F7 Search. ALT+F8 Open command line history. ALT+F9 Unpack files. ALT+SHIFT+F9 Test archives. ALT+F10 Open a dialog box with the current disk tree. ALT+F11 Activate keyboard controls for navigation chains above the left panel. ALT+F12 Activate keyboard controls for navigation chains above the right panel. ALT+SHIFT+F11 Activate keyboard control of the toolbar. CTRL+F1 "Short" file presentation mode (names only). CTRL+SHIFT+F1 View thumbnails (thumbnails). CTRL+F2 "Detailed" file presentation mode (names, sizes, date/time, attributes). CTRL+SHIFT+F2 Displays comments (new comments are created using CTRL+Z). CTRL+F3 Sort by name (forward/reverse order). CTRL+F4 Sort by extension (forward/reverse order). CTRL+F5 Sort by date/time (forward/reverse order). CTRL+F6 Sort by size (forward/reverse order). CTRL+F7 No sorting. CTRL+F8 Show directory tree. CTRL+SHIFT+F8 Cycles through three tree modes in a separate panel (0/1/2). CTRL+F9 Print the file under the cursor using the associated program. CTRL+F10 Show all files in the panel. CTRL+F11 Show only programs in the panel. CTRL+F12 Show files according to a custom template. CTRL+A Select all. CTRL+B Enable/disable display of the contents of the current directory and all its subdirectories in a single list. CTRL+C or CTRL+INS Copy files to the clipboard. CTRL+D Open the menu of favorite directories (list of “bookmarks”). CTRL+E Go to the previous command line history position. CTRL+F Connect to an FTP server. CTRL+SHIFT+F Disconnect from the FTP server. CTRL+I Switch to another file panel (same as TAB). CTRL+J Copy the file name to the command line (same as CTRL+ENTER). CTRL+SHIFT+J Copy the file name with full path to the command line (same as CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER). CTRL+L Calculate occupied space (for selected files/directories). CTRL+M Bulk rename tool. CTRL+SHIFT+M Change FTP transfer mode (if there is an active FTP connection). CTRL+N New FTP connection (enter URL or host address). CTRL+P Copy the current path or address to the command line. CTRL+Q Enable/disable the Quick View window in place of the inactive file panel. CTRL+R Refresh the contents of the current panel (same as F2). CTRL+S Display the quick filter/search dialog. CTRL+SHIFT+S Display the quick filter/search dialog and apply the last used filter. CTRL+T 1. Open a new folder tab and go to it. 2. If tabs are disabled, open the bulk rename tool (same as CTRL+M). CTRL+SHIFT+T Open a new folder tab, but stay in the current one. CTRL+U Swap panels (active tabs). CTRL+SHIFT+U Swap panels (all tabs). CTRL+V or SHIFT+INS Paste files from the clipboard into the current directory. CTRL+W Close the current tab. CTRL+SHIFT+W Close all inactive and unlocked tabs. CTRL+X Cut files to the clipboard. CTRL+Y Clear command line (same as ESC). CTRL+Z Create/edit a comment for a file. CTRL+\ Go to root directory (US keyboard). CTRL+< Перейти в корневой каталог (большинство европейских клавиатур). ENTER 1. Если командная строка непустая, выполнить её. 2. Когда курсор на каталоге/архиве: открыть этот каталог/архив. 3. Когда курсор на файле программы: запустить программу. 4. Когда курсор на обычном файле: запустить ассоциированную программу. 5. Когда курсор на файле внутри архива: показать диалог свойств упакованного файла либо, распаковав этот файл, запустить его или ассоциированную программу (зависит от настроек). 6. Когда курсор на TAB-файле: вызвать команду "appendtabs имя_файла.tab" (добавление сохранённых вкладок к текущим). SHIFT+ENTER 1. Выполнить командную строку/программу под курсором с предшествующим command /c и оставить окно программы открытым. Работает, только если NOCLOSE.PIF находится в вашем каталоге Windows! 2. С файлами архивов: использовать альтернативное действие (обратное тому, что указано в настройках архиваторов): либо входить в архивы, как в каталоги, либо вызвать ассоциированную программу. 3. В списках каталогов (история, избранное): открыть каталог в новой вкладке. 4. Когда курсор на TAB-файле: вызвать команду "opentabs имя_файла.tab" (замещение сохранёнными вкладками текущих). ALT+ENTER 1. Показать диалог свойств файла/каталога. 2. Для плагинов файловой системы (в Сетевом окружении): показать (если имеется) собственный диалог свойств или настроек плагина. 3. Внутри архивов: показать диалог свойств файла под курсором (в т.ч., если этот файл сам является архивом). 4. В панели FTP-соединения: отобразить необработанный листинг файлов/каталогов, переданный сервером. ALT+SHIFT+ENTER 1. Подсчитать размер содержимого всех подкаталогов в текущем каталоге. Этот размер затем отображается вместо надписи <Папка>. 2. In the FTP connection panel: open the dialog for setting up a template string for the server. CTRL+ENTER 1. Copy the file name to the command line. 2. In directory lists (history, favorites): open the directory in a new tab (same as SHIFT+ENTER). CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER Copy the file name with full path to the command line. ESC Clear command line. SHIFT+ESC Collapse the Total Commander window. Letter 1. Move the cursor to the command line and enter the letter there. 2. In quick search mode "Letter only": quickly search for a file/directory name (starting with the specified letters) in the current directory. ALT+Letter In quick search mode, "Alt+letter": quickly search for a file/directory name (starting with the specified letters) in the current directory. AltGr+Letter or CTRL+ALT+Letter In quick search mode, "Ctrl+Alt+letter": quickly search for a file/directory name (starting with the specified letters) in the current directory. TAB Switch to another file panel. SHIFT+TAB Switch between a separate tree panel and a regular panel. CTRL+TAB Go to the next tab of the current panel. CTRL+SHIFT+TAB Go to the previous tab of the current panel. DEL Delete files (same as F8). SHIFT+DEL Delete files without placing them in the Trash (same as SHIFT+F8). INS Select file or directory/Deselect. The cursor moves to the next file. SPACEBAR Select a file or directory/Deselect. (The command line must be empty!) The cursor remains on the current file by default. If the cursor was on an unselected directory, the size of the contents of this directory is calculated and shown instead of the caption<Папка> . CTRL+PgUp or BackSpace Go to the parent directory (equivalent to the cd .. command). CTRL+PgDn Open directory/archive (including self-extracting.EXE archives). Left/Right Arrows In Detail view, Comment view, and custom column view: Move the cursor to the command line. SHIFT+left/right Move the cursor to the command line (even if there is a horizontal scroll bar). ALT+left/right Go to the previous/next directory from those already visited. ALT+down Open the history of already visited directories (similar to the history in Web browsers). CTRL+left/right If the arrow on the key points towards the active panel, open a directory in it from the inactive panel. Otherwise, the result depends on the current object under the cursor: 1. If it is a subdirectory or archive, it will be opened in another panel. 2. If it is a shortcut file (*.lnk, *.pif), the directory containing the link object will open in another panel. 3. If it is any other file or element [..], the current directory will open in another panel. 4. If search results or all files without subdirectories are displayed, the directory containing the file under the cursor will open in another panel. CTRL+up Open the object under the cursor (directory, archive, virtual folder, file system plugin) in a new tab. CTRL+SHIFT+up Open the object under the cursor (directory, archive, virtual folder, file system plugin) in a new tab in another panel. CTRL+down Move the cursor to the command line, calling the last command history entry for editing. NUM + Select a group using a template. NUM - Deselect group by template. NUM * Invert selection. NUM / Restore selection. SHIFT+NUM + Select files and folders if NUM + selects only files, and vice versa. SHIFT+NUM - Deselect template only from files (not from folders!). SHIFT+NUM * Invert the selection of files and folders if only files are selected by NUM +, and vice versa. CTRL+NUM + Select all (same as CTRL+A). CTRL+NUM - Deselect all selection. CTRL+SHIFT+NUM + Select all files and folders if NUM + selects only files, and vice versa. CTRL+SHIFT+NUM - Deselect all files (not folders!). ALT+NUM + Select by given extension. ALT+NUM - Deselect this extension. Command Line ================ When Total Commander is active, a significant portion of keyboard input is directed to the command line. Here are the main actions performed there using the keys: ENTER Execute the command line if it contains at least one character (otherwise the program under the cursor in the source panel is launched). If the command is cd, md, or rd, it is executed internally. If this is an internal DOS command, then DOS is started with this command. In other cases, the program with the entered name is launched. SHIFT+ENTER Same as ENTER, but preceded by command /c. After the called DOS program terminates, its window will not be closed automatically. This keyboard shortcut requires the NOCLOSE.PIF file to be present in your Windows directory. CTRL+ENTER Add the file name under the cursor to the end of the command line. CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER Add the file name under the cursor with full path to the end of the command line. ESC Clear the command line and return the cursor to the file panel. TAB Depending on the AutoCompleteTab key (wincmd.ini): 1. Return the cursor to the original directory. 2. Select the next option from the auto-complete list. SHIFT+TAB Depending on the AutoCompleteTab key (wincmd.ini): 1. Return the cursor to the original directory. 2. Select the previous option from the auto-completion list. CTRL+SPACEBAR Confirm the selection of an option from the auto-substitution list. Arrow Keys 1. The up and down keys return the cursor from the command line to the current directory. 2. With the command line history list open, the up and down keys are used to select an entry, and the left or right keys are used to enter edit mode for the entry in the command line window (this will automatically close the list). SHIFT+up/down Call up the next/previous command history entry without opening its list. CTRL+left/right Move the cursor through words, positioning it depending on the CtrlArrow key (wincmd.ini), only after spaces or also after additional word separators. CTRL+down Open the command history list (like ALT+F8, but only if the cursor is on the command line). CTRL+C or CTRL+INS Copy the selected text to the clipboard. CTRL+E Go to the previous command line history position (same as SHIFT+down). CTRL+K Delete everything from the cursor to the end of the line. CTRL+T Delete the word to the right of the cursor. CTRL+V or SHIFT+INS Paste text from the clipboard into the command line. CTRL+W or CTRL+BackSpace Delete the word to the left of the cursor. CTRL+X or SHIFT+DEL Cut selected text to the clipboard. CTRL+Y Clear the command line, leaving the cursor there. Quick search/filtering dialog ================================================= CTRL+S Switches between search and filter modes for panel content. Up Arrow Move to the previous item that matches your search criteria. Down Arrow or CTRL+ENTER Move to the next item that matches your search criteria. INS or SHIFT+up/down Select/deselect the object under the cursor and move to the next object that matches the search criteria. ENTER Close the dialog and go to the selected directory/open file. ESC 1. Close the dialog. 2. When doing a quick search in a separate tree panel: close the dialog and return the cursor to the current directory. INS When quickly searching in a separate tree panel: close the dialog, leaving the cursor on the selected directory (and, with appropriate settings, go to this directory). Toolbar ================================= The listed keys work in the specified way only in the mode of controlling the toolbar from the keyboard! Right/Left Arrows or TAB/SHIFT+TAB Move to next/previous button. Up/Down Arrows Move to previous/next row of buttons. HOME Go to the very first available button. END Move to the most recent button available. CTRL+right/left Go to the first button in the next/previous group, and if there is no separator - to the end/beginning of the panel. ALT+ENTER Open the current button settings dialog. SHIFT+F10, SPACEBAR or ContextMenu Show the context menu of the current button. ENTER Execute the command assigned to the current button. ESC Return the cursor to the file panel. Navigation chains ================================= In the panel header (only in keyboard navigation mode): Right/Left arrows or TAB/SHIFT+TAB Go to next/previous part ways. Down arrow 1. Part of the path: display a list of subdirectories for further advancement in the chain. 2. On the triangle in front of the path: display a list of virtual folders. HOME Go to the beginning of the path. END Go to the end of the path. ENTER 1. Part of the path: open the corresponding subdirectory in the file panel. 2. On the triangle in front of the path: display a list of virtual folders. ESC Move the cursor to the file panel. In drop-down menus: Left arrow or ESC Go to parent menu or panel header. Right arrow Go to the menu of the selected subdirectory. HOME Go to the first directory in the list. END Go to the last directory in the list. PgUp Move up to screen height. PgDn Go down to screen height. ENTER Open the selected directory in the file panel and move the cursor there. Internal viewer ====================== The list of key functions corresponds to viewing/playing files using the program itself, without LS plugins. Almost all of these keyboard shortcuts are also applicable in the active Quick View window. Plugins can use their own keyboard shortcuts. F2 Refresh viewer window. F6 Show/hide text cursor. F7 or CTRL+F Start text search. SHIFT+F7, F3 or F5 Find next. SHIFT+F3 or SHIFT+F5 Search in reverse direction. CTRL+F3 or CTRL+F5 Change the search direction to the opposite. F10 or Q Close the viewer (except in multimedia modes). Doesn't work in the Quick View window (close with CTRL+Q). ESC or ALT+F4 Close the viewer (any mode). Doesn't work in the Quick View window (close with CTRL+Q). F11 Maximize/restore the viewer window. SPACE Scroll text/image down by screen height (same as PgDn). SHIFT+SPACEBAR Scroll text/image up by screen height (same as PgUp). BackSpace Go to the previous file from the list of all viewed files (except for multimedia modes). Doesn't work in the Quick View window. HOME Go to start of viewing/playback. END Go to the end of viewing/playback. PgUp 1. For audio and video files: rewind. 2. For other files: scroll the text/image up to the screen height. PgDn 1. For audio and video files: fast forward. 2. For other files: scroll the text/image down by screen height. ALT+left/right View next/previous selected text/image file). For quick viewing: go to the beginning of the file. CTRL+P Prints the file. Doesn't work in the Quick View window. P View the previous file from the selected ones. When viewing quickly, no selection is required. N View the next file from the selection. When viewing quickly, no selection is required. A ANSI (Windows encoding). S ASCII (DOS encoding). V User font (encoding). W Wrap/don't wrap lines. F Fit/not fit all images into the window size. L Fit/not fit large images into the window size. C Place images in the center of the window/top left corner. 1 Text only. 2 Binary mode (fixed line width). 3 Hexadecimal mode. 4 1. Graphics/Multimedia/LS plugins. 2. Go to the next functionally similar plugin. 5 HTML. 6 Unicode. 7 UTF-8. Comparison by content ======================== F6 Switch between viewing and editing modes. F7 or CTRL+F Start search. F3 or F5 Continue searching. SHIFT+F3 or SHIFT+F5 Search in reverse direction. CTRL+F3 or CTRL+F5 Change the search direction to the opposite. SHIFT+F10 or ContextMenu Show the context menu. CTRL+S Display the save dialog Ctrl+Z or Alt+BackSpace Undo changes made ALT+up/down Go to previous/next difference. ESC or ALT+F4 Close the comparison dialog. In edit mode only: ALT+left/right Copy the difference to the left/right panel (or top/bottom). In view mode only: INS Select line/Deselect (with transition to next line). SPACEBAR Select a line/Deselect (without moving to the next line). Left/Right Arrows Scroll one character. ALT+left/right Scroll the contents of the panel by 30 characters horizontally. Directory synchronization ======================= F3 Open the file on the left in the internal viewer. SHIFT+F3 Open the file on the right in the internal viewer. CTRL+F3 Compare left and right files by content. CTRL+SHIFT+F3 Compare files by content with internal tool. CTRL+A Select all. CTRL+F Select everything in the current directory. CTRL+C or CTRL+INS Copy the list of selected files with the contents of all columns to the clipboard. CTRL+D Mark for copying (default direction). CTRL+L Mark for copying -> (left to right). CTRL+R Mark for copying<- (справа налево). CTRL+M Снять выделение. CTRL+P Печать выделенного. CTRL+W Поменять направление копирования. AltGr+Буква или CTRL+ALT+Буква В режиме быстрого поиска "Ctrl+Alt+буква": быстрый поиск имени файла (начинающегося с указанных букв) по всему списку (с диалогом поиска). Буква В режиме быстрого поиска, отличном от "Ctrl+Alt+буква": быстрый поиск имени файла (начинающегося с указанных букв) по всему списку (с диалогом поиска). INS Переключение на следующий доступный вариант действия синхронизации (только для текущего файла, с переходом на следующую строку). ПРОБЕЛ Переключение на следующий доступный вариант действия синхронизации (только для текущего файла, без перехода на следующую строку). SHIFT+ПРОБЕЛ Установить направление копирования по умолчанию (только для текущего файла, без перехода на следующую строку). ESC Закрыть диалог синхронизации (если направления копирования не были изменены). ALT+F4 Закрыть диалог синхронизации (в любой ситуации). Групповое переименование ======================== F2 Открыть выпадающий список для работы с шаблонами. F5 Загрузить результаты переименования для следующего шага. F10 Открыть меню редактирования имён. CTRL+F3 Сортировать по старому имени (прямой/обратный порядок). CTRL+F4 Сортировать по старому расширению (прямой/обратный порядок). CTRL+F5 Сортировать по дате/времени (прямой/обратный порядок). CTRL+F6 Сортировать по размеру (прямой/обратный порядок). SHIFT+вверх/вниз В списке файлов: переместить текущий файл вверх/вниз по списку. DEL В списке файлов: удалить ненужный файл из списка. Диалог подтверждения перезаписи =============================== F3 Внутренний просмотр верхнего (целевого) файла. SHIFT+F3 Внутренний просмотр нижнего (исходного) файла. ALT+F3 Внутренний просмотр верхнего (целевого) файла с отключёнными плагинами. ALT+SHIFT+F3 Внутренний просмотр нижнего (исходного) файла с отключёнными плагинами. CTRL+F3 Сравнение по содержимому исходного и целевого файлов. CTRL+SHIFT+F3 Сравнение исходного и целевого файлов внутренним инструментом. Прочее ====== F2 Диалоги копирования/перемещения, FTP-загрузки/закачки: Добавить выбранные файлы в очередь диспетчера фоновой пересылки. F5 или F6 Диалоги копирования/перемещения, FTP-загрузки/закачки, создания ярлыков, упаковки (только F5), подсчёта CRC-сумм: Включать по очереди выделение только имени файла, имени с расширением и, если указан путь, всей строки. F10 Диалоги копирования/перемещения, FTP-загрузки, создания ярлыков, разбиения/сборки, кодирования/декодирования, упаковки/распаковки, подсчёта CRC-сумм: Открыть диалоговое окно с деревом диска для панели назначения. F2 Диалог ожидания при редактировании файла: Перевести диалог в фоновый режим. F2 или CTRL+ENTER Диалог правки комментария к файлу: Сохранить комментарий и закрыть диалог. F2 Диалог изменения атрибутов: Открыть выпадающий список для работы с шаблонами. F3 Диалог поиска файлов, список результатов поиска: Загрузить выделенный файл во внутренний просмотрщик. ALT+SHIFT+F3 Диалог поиска файлов, список результатов поиска: Загрузить выделенный файл во внутренний просмотрщик (без плагинов и расширенных возможностей обработки мультимедиа). CTRL+C или CTRL+INS Диалог поиска файлов, список результатов поиска: Копировать весь список в буфер обмена. CTRL+C или CTRL+INS Диалог проверки CRC-сумм: Копировать выделенные строки в буфер обмена. CTRL+C Диалог выбора команды: Копировать имя команды в буфер обмена. CTRL+SHIFT+C Диалог выбора команды: Копировать в буфер обмена всю строчку (включая численное значение и описание); разделитель - табуляция. Стрелки вверх/вниз Поле ввода с поддержкой автоподстановки имён: Выбрать предыдущий/следующий вариант из списка автоподстановки. Стрелки вверх/вниз Диалог смены атрибутов, секция плагинов: Перейти к предыдущему/следующему полю, если текущее поле не является выпадающим списком. SHIFT+вверх/вниз Диалог смены атрибутов, секция плагинов: Перейти к предыдущему/следующему полю, даже если текущее поле является выпадающим списком. Стрелка вниз Поле выбора команды (страница конфигурации "Разное", настройка меню "Запуск", списка избранных каталогов, панели инструментов): Открыть диалог "Выбор команды". CTRL+вверх Окно дерева каталогов: Перейти к предыдущему каталогу, отвечающему условиям быстрого поиска. CTRL+вниз или CTRL+ENTER Окно дерева каталогов: Перейти к следующему каталогу, отвечающему условиям быстрого поиска. SHIFT+вверх/вниз Настройка дополнительных данных/цветов по типам файлов, настройка меню «Запуск», меню избранных каталогов, а также WLX- и WDX-плагинов: Переместить текущую запись вверх/вниз в списке. SHIFT+влево/вправо Настройка панели инструментов, список кнопок: Переместить текущую кнопку/разделитель влево/вправо. ПРОБЕЛ Настройка дополнительных данных/цветов по типам файлов: Редактировать выбранный элемент. SHIFT+DEL Выпадающие списки истории пользовательского ввода (команд, параметров и пр.): Удалить выбранную запись истории из списка. NUM + Диспетчер фоновой пересылки: Открыть контекстное меню для добавления нового задания. NUM - Диспетчер фоновой пересылки: Удалить из списка выделенные задания.

Total Commander is a closed-source file manager running on the Microsoft Windows platform. Program page:

Previously, the program was called Windows Commander, but on October 29, 2002, at the request of Microsoft, it was renamed.

The first public German version became available on September 25, 1993. Starting with version 7.5 dated July 16, 2009, Russian localization is included in the program distribution.

In the FTP connections panel: copy a file within the current server or to another server.

Ctrl+Shift+F5 – Create shortcuts for selected files and directories.

Shift+F6 – Rename files in the same directory.

Shift+F8 – Delete files without placing them in the Recycle Bin (same as Shift+Del).

or Shift+F10

or ContextMenu – Show the object's context menu.

Alt+F1 – Open the list of drives for the left panel.

Alt+F2 – Open the list of drives for the right panel.

Alt+F3 – Use an alternative viewer to the one specified for F3 (external or internal).

Alt+Shift+F3 – Load the file into the internal viewer (without plugins and advanced media processing capabilities).

Alt+F4 – Quit Total Commander.

Alt+F5 – Pack selected files.

Alt+Shift+F5 – Pack and then delete the original files.

Alt+F6 – Unpack files (does not work in Windows 9x, use Alt+F9 there!).

Alt+Shift+F6 – Test archives (does not work on Windows 9x, use Alt+Shift+F9 there!).

Alt+F7 – Search.

Alt+F8 – Open command line history.

Alt+F9 – Unpack files.

Alt+Shift+F9 – Test archives.

Alt+F10 – Open a dialog box with the current disk tree.

Ctrl+F1 – “Short” file presentation mode (names only).

Ctrl+Shift+F1 – View thumbnails (thumbnails).

Ctrl+F2 – “Detailed” file presentation mode (names, sizes, date/time, attributes).

Ctrl+Shift+F2 – Display comments (new comments are created using Ctrl+Z).

Ctrl+F3 – Sort by name (forward/reverse order).

Ctrl+F4 – Sort by extension (forward/reverse order).

Ctrl+F5 – Sort by date/time (forward/reverse order).

Ctrl+F6 – Sort by size (forward/reverse order).

Ctrl+F7 – No sorting.

Ctrl+F8 – Show directory tree.

Ctrl+Shift+F8 – Cycle through three tree modes in a separate panel (0/½).

Ctrl+F9 – Print the file under the cursor using the associated program.

Ctrl+F10 – Show all files in the panel.

Ctrl+F11 – Show only programs in the panel.

Ctrl+F12 – Show files according to a custom template.

Ctrl+A – Select all.

Ctrl+B – Enable/disable display of the contents of the current directory and all its subdirectories in a single list.

or Ctrl+Ins – Copy files to the clipboard.

Ctrl+D – Open the menu of favorite directories (list of “bookmarks”).

Ctrl+E – Go to the previous position in the command line history.

Ctrl+F – Connect to an FTP server.

Ctrl+Shift+F – Disconnect from the FTP server.

Ctrl+I – Switch to another file panel (same as Tab).

Ctrl+J – Copy the file name to the command line (same as Ctrl+Enter).

Ctrl+Shift+J – Copy the file name with full path to the command line (same as Ctrl+Shift+Enter).

Ctrl+M – Group renaming tool.

Ctrl+Shift+M – Change FTP transfer mode (if there is an active FTP connection).

Ctrl+N – New FTP connection (enter URL or host address).

Ctrl+P – Copy the current path or address to the command line.

Ctrl+Q – Enable/disable the Quick View window in place of the inactive file panel.

Ctrl+R – Refresh the contents of the current panel (same as F2).

Ctrl+T1 – Open a new folder tab and go to it.

2. If tabs are disabled, open the bulk rename tool (same as Ctrl+M).

Ctrl+Shift+T – Open a new folder tab, but remain in the current one.

Ctrl+U – Swap panels (active tabs).

Ctrl+Shift+U – Swap panels (all tabs).

or Shift+Ins – Paste files from the clipboard into the current directory.

Ctrl+W – Close the current tab.

Ctrl+Shift+W – Close all inactive and unlocked tabs.

Ctrl+X – Cut files to the clipboard.

Ctrl+Y – Clear command line (same as Esc).

Ctrl+Z – Create/edit a comment for a file.

Ctrl+\\ – Go to the root directory (American keyboard).

Ctrl+< – Перейти в корневой каталог (большинство европейских клавиатур).

Enter1. If the command line is not empty, execute it.

2. When the cursor is on a directory/archive: open this directory/archive.

3. When the cursor is on the program file: run the program.

4. When the cursor is on a regular file: run the associated program.

5. When the cursor is on a file inside the archive: show the properties dialog of the packed file or, after unpacking this file, launch it or the associated program (depending on the settings).

6. When the cursor is on a TAB file: call the appendtabs command<имя_файла>.tab (adding saved tabs to current ones).

7. In the quick search dialog: close the dialog and go to the selected directory / open the file.

Shift+Enter1. –Execute the command line/program under the cursor preceded by command /c and leave the program window open. Only works if noclose.pif is in your Windows directory!

2. With archive files: use an alternative action (the opposite of what is specified in the archiver settings): enter archives like directories<->call an associated program, such as WinZip or Quinzip.

3. In catalog lists (history, favorites): open the catalog in a new tab.

4. When the cursor is on a TAB file: call the opentabs command<имя_файла>.tab (replacement of current tabs with saved ones).

Alt+Enter1. – Show file/directory properties dialog.

2. For file system plugins (in Network Places): show (if available) the plugin’s own properties or settings dialog.

3. Inside archives: show the file properties dialog under the cursor (including if this file itself is an archive).

4. In the FTP connection panel: display the raw file/directory listing sent by the server.

2. In the FTP connection panel: open the dialog for setting up a template string for the server.

Ctrl+Enter1 – Copy the file name to the command line.

2. When quickly searching in the panel: move to the next object that meets the search conditions.

3. In directory lists (history, favorites): open the directory in a new tab (same as Shift+Enter).

Ctrl+Shift+Enter – Copy the file name with full path to the command line.

Esc1. Clear command line.

2. In the quick search dialog: close the dialog.

3. Quick search dialog in a separate tree panel: close the dialog and return the cursor to the current directory.

Shift+Esc – Collapse the Total Commander window.

Letter1. Move the cursor to the command line and enter the letter there.

2. In quick search mode "Letter only": quickly search for a file/directory name (starting with the specified letters) in the current directory.

Alt+Letter – In quick search mode, “Alt+letter”: quickly search for a file/directory name (starting with the specified letters) in the current directory.


or Ctrl+Alt+Letter

In quick search mode, “Ctrl+Alt+letter” – quick search for a file/directory name (starting with the specified letters) in the current directory.

Tab – Switch to another file panel.

Shift+Tab – Switch between a separate tree panel and a regular panel.

Ctrl+Tab – Go to the next tab of the current panel.

Ctrl+Shift+Tab – Go to the previous tab of the current panel.

Del – Delete files (same as F8).

Shift+Del – Delete files without placing them in the Recycle Bin (same as Shift+F8).

Ins – Select file or directory / Deselect. The cursor moves to the next file.

2. Quick search dialog in a separate tree panel: close the dialog, leaving the cursor on the selected directory (and, with appropriate settings, go to this directory).

Space – Select file or directory / Deselect. (The command line must be empty!) The cursor remains on the current file by default. If the cursor was on an unselected directory, the size of the contents of this directory is calculated and shown instead of the caption<Папка>. This can be disabled in the settings: Configuration – Settings – Basic operations – When highlighted with a SPACE.

or BackSpace – Go to the parent directory (corresponds to the cd ... command).

Ctrl+PgDn – Open directory/archive (including self-extracting.EXE archives).

Left/Right Arrows

In Detailed and Comments view modes, and in custom columns view: Move the cursor to the command line.


Move the cursor to the command line (even if there is a horizontal scroll bar).


Go to the previous/next directory from those already visited.

Alt+down – Open the history of already visited directories (similar to the history in Web browsers).


If the arrow on the key points towards the active panel, open a directory from the inactive panel in it.

Otherwise, the result depends on the current object under the cursor:

1. If it is a subdirectory or archive, it will be opened in another panel.

2. If the shortcut file is (*.lnk, *.pif), the directory containing the link object will open in another panel.

3. If any other file or element [..], the current directory will open in another panel.

4. If search results or all files without subdirectories are displayed, the directory containing the file under the cursor will open in another panel.

Ctrl+up – Open the object under the cursor (directory, archive, virtual folder, file system plugin) in a new tab.

Ctrl+Shift+up – Open the object under the cursor (directory, archive, virtual folder, file system plugin) in a new tab in another panel.

Ctrl+down – Move the cursor to the command line, calling the last command history entry for editing.

Num + – Select a group by pattern.

Num – – Deselect group by template.

Num * – Invert selection.

Num / – Restore selection.

Shift+Num + – Select files and folders if Num + selects only files, and vice versa.

Shift+Num – – Deselect template only from files (not from folders!).

Shift+Num * – Invert the selection of files and folders if Num + selects only files, and vice versa.

Ctrl+Num + – Select all (same as Ctrl+A).

Ctrl+Num – – Deselect all selection.

Ctrl+Shift+Num + – Select all files and folders if Num + selects only files, and vice versa.

Ctrl+Shift+Num – – Deselect all files (not folders!).

Alt+Num + – Select by given extension.

Alt+Num – – Deselect this extension.

Total Commander. Purpose and capabilities. Screen structure.

Total Commander- file manager created by Swiss Christian

Giesler. The program combines both the Norton Commander panel interface and

Explorer programs. From the First Total Commander inherited two panels, command

the line below them, the menu and the visible file extension. And from the Explorer program

standard folder and file icons, toolbar and context menu.

There are hot buttons, but you can work with files and folders

using the usual “drag and drop” method.

IN Possibilities Total Commander includes:

Support for language modules for more than a dozen languages ​​(including Russian);

Support for additional software modules (plugins) created by third-party developers;

Built-in FTP client (File Transfer Protocol - protocol for working with files on the Internet);

Built-in archive support (commonly used are ZIP and RAR)

Built-in graphic file viewer.

Window structure.

1.Title bar, with corresponding components;

2.Main menu ;

3.Toolbar ;

4.Panel of network connections and hard and floppy drives, with buttons for the above components;

5.Disk selection window, is a drop-down list of drives and network connections;

6.Central program window, divided into two equal parts, called, respectively, the left and right working areas of the shell. At the top of each workspace is a line that specifies the full name of the current directory; Below are the file tabs. Using tabulators, you can sort the information in the panel according to the appropriate criteria. To do this, simply select it with the mouse. If you select the tabulator a second time, the sort will be performed in reverse order. Tabs are also used to resize the corresponding output area.

7.Status bar. Depending on the user’s actions, it displays either the total volume and number of files located in a given directory, or the corresponding information about the selected components of the file system.

8.DOS command line.

9.Row, with function key buttons, with the help of which any operation with a file or directory is limited to a single mouse click on the desired button in the right place.

10.The following may be present on the drive panel or in the line next to the drive selection window: command buttons. The first is to go to the root directory of the disk in the current panel. The second is to go to the directory one level higher.

11.The current directory name output line may contain two useful command buttons. . The first is to add the current directory to a special list for quick access to it. The second is viewing a list of directories that the user has recently worked with. The list is updated every time the program is started.

Total Commander. Using function keys and other keys

Total Commander is one of the most popular file managers designed for working with disks, files and folders (directories) in the Windows environment. Using Total Commander, you can view the contents of disks and folders on these disks, create, move, copy and delete files and folders, quickly search for files, folders and view text and multimedia files, create archives and unpack them, etc.

A number of operations are performed using the F1-F8 function keys on the keyboard or the F3-F8 buttons in the Total Commander window

§ F1 – help.

§ F2 – update directory.

§ F3 – view the contents of the file (output to the screen).

§ F4 – editing an existing one (or creating a new text file: +).

§ F5/F6 – copying/moving files (folders, archives) from one folder to another. To copy, you need to select the desired object in one of the panels and press the F5 Copy button (or the F5 key). The copy will be made to a folder opened in the adjacent panel. The F6 Move button (or the F6 key) allows you to move the selected object to a folder open in the adjacent panel.

§ F7 – create a new folder. The F7 Directory button (or the F7 key) opens the Create New Directory dialog box, in which the name of the folder to be created is entered. The created directory will be a subdirectory of the open directory in the current panel. Total Commander allows you to create several subfolders (subdirectories) in one operation. For example, if you enter a new directory in the Create a new directory window, four subdirectories with corresponding names will be created.

§ F8 – used to delete the selected object or group of objects. When you right-click on the F8 Delete button, the Recycle Bin context menu opens, from which you can select the command to empty the Recycle Bin or open the Recycle Bin window to restore files. Deleting files and folders is also performed using the key.

§ Alt + F4 Exit – exits Total Commander.

Other keyboard shortcuts.