What is Yandex Advisor. Removing the Yandex.Market Advisor. Why Yandex.Advisor is dangerous for business

In December 2014, Yandex acquired an application for browsers - Advisor.

Yandex.Market Advisor is a service for users. With its help, users search the Internet for the product offers they need at competitive prices.

The advisor helps you find and view:

  • a store where the goods are cheaper;
  • the best offers from different stores;
  • customer reviews about the product;
  • nearest stores and find out about delivery times.

The Advisor service is installed not on your website, but in the user’s browser. This is software that the user can install, configure and use as they wish.

Some time ago, some companies began to create applications and send spam with an offer to disable the Advisor on the site for a fee.

More than 200,000 users have the Advisor installed in their browsers.

On top of your online store, it shows your visitors offers from other online stores from Yandex.Market.

If you think it's right to give your visitors to your competitors, ignore this letter.

If you choose fairness, then we will protect your online store from unauthorized Advisor by installing the Anti-Advisor module.

The cost of turnkey work is 1500 rubles.

The price includes: module, installation, configuration and testing.

Please send your connection request to ***

Thank you for your attention!

Presumably, these programs offer the installation of JavaScript code on the site. As a result of this code, the data that the Advisor application inserts into the site is cut out, or the timeout for the appearance of offers is shifted. These are temporary solutions that stop working after the next Advisor update. Therefore, they will require constant maintenance.

We contacted Yandex.Market support for comments. And we received the following answer:

Only the user himself can disable it in his browser settings.

You cannot disable the Expert Advisor installed in the user's browser on the side of any site.

Based on the response from the support service, you can use any programs to disable the Advisor on the online store website.

As a result, you can disable the Yandex.Market Advisor in the following ways:

  1. The user himself can disable the Advisor on a specific site.
  2. The Advisor service does not show recommendations if the user went to the store’s website through its paid ad in Direct or Market.
  3. JavaScript script that changes the behavior of the Advisor.

We offer a free way to disable the Advisor using the following Javascript code:

!function())(var e=function())(var e=window.location.hash||!1,t=(document.currentScript||document.getElementById("ss_script"),function(t)(e&&"# ssdebug"===e&&console.log(t)));if(!window.MutationObserver)return t("MutationObserver not supported!"),!1;if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")!=- 1||navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident")!=-1||navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Edge")!=-1)return t("IE or Edge"),!1;var n= (),o=!1,r=("z-index":"2147483647",display:"table",position:"fixed"),i=new MutationObserver(function(e)(e.map(function( e)(var n=e.addedNodes;if(n&&"DIV"===n.tagName)for(var a in r)(if(window.getComputedStyle(n).getPropertyValue(a)!==r[a ])(t("YandexDesktopFound-"+a+" false"),o=!1;break)t("YandexDesktopFound-"+a+" true"),o=!0)n&&"STYLE"===n. tagName&&/market_context_headcrab_container_relative/.test(n.innerHTML)&&(document.body.removeChild(n),t("style removed")),o&&(n&&n.style&&(n.style.transform="translate(-10000px, - 10000px)"),setTimeout(function())(i.disconnect()),2e4),t("Elements removed!"))))),a=new MutationObserver(function())(var e=document.documentElement .style.marginTop;e&&parseInt(e)>0&&!n.panel&&(document.documentElement.style.marginTop="")),d=new MutationObserver(function())(var e=document.body.style.marginTop; e&&parseInt(e)>0&&!n.panel&&(document.body.style.marginTop="")),s=function())(return document.body?(i&&i.observe(document.body,(childList:!0 ,attributes:!0,subtree:!0,attributeFilter:["style"])),a&&a.observe(document.documentElement,(attributes:!0,attributeFilter:["style"])),void(d&&d.observe (document.body,(attributes:!0,attributeFilter:["style"]))):void setTimeout(s,100));e&&"#ssoff"===e||s());e( ))();

This code must be inserted on all pages of product offerings on the site.

Disable or not

In our opinion, the use of the Advisor remains the ultimate right of the user. It is much more effective to work on optimizing prices, reducing costs and improving the quality of service. This will have a double effect:

Firstly, Market users will see the minimum price on your website, which will be an additional incentive to buy the product.

Secondly, the development of additional services and an increased level of services will make it possible to sell goods at a higher price, offering customers a wider range of services.

The consumer has the right to decide which services to use. Ultimately, the consumer will choose the best offer.

The owner of an online store also has the right to determine which services should work on his website.

When creating online stores, we comply with all requirements and recommendations of search engines, eliminating the risk of sanctions being imposed on the developed projects.

The topic is not new at all, but it does not lose its relevance. For those who are not in the know, let's start with a brief description of the problem.

Who is guilty

A person goes to an online store, finds the product he needs and sees this (a recent example from the Eldorado store):

That is, you work on your store, invest a lot of work and money into it, and Yandex on your website offers to buy the same products from competitors at a lower price. "What a twist!"

So where does this infection come from? There is an extension for browsers “Yandex.Market Advisor”, which Yandex, naturally, gives to users with many of its products.

However, the extension that the user installed himself or received along with all sorts of panels is a smaller part of the problem. The man wanted such an Advisor for himself, the man installed it himself. In this case, it is difficult to make a claim (otherwise it would be possible to sue the developers of absolutely all browser extensions).

We also encountered a problem when adding another TV. Of course, no one installed any Yandex Advisor in their working browser. So how did he appear on the site?

The fact is that Yandex apparently has an agreement with the developers of other popular extensions and secretly integrates its Advisor into their products. In this case, you cannot even remove the extension from the browser (in the usual way), since it is not in the list of installed extensions. Most often they complain about the SaveFrom extension, but in our case it was experimentally found that the “Trojan” is located in the friGate extension (it could be any other extension; only Yandex knows the full list).

Smacks of spreading malware, doesn't it?

And the problem is also interesting because you have no idea what part of your visitors this thing is showing and how much money it has already stolen from you.

What to do

The topic is complex for a wide audience, so let’s look at an example of how this is implemented in our country (by the way, it’s surprising that most large retail chains at the time of writing this article had not solved or were not solving this problem).

The following header has been added to the .htaccess file (you can add this header in other ways):

Header set Content-Security-Policy "default-src "self" *.televizor-x.ru data: "unsafe-inline" https://www.youtube.com https://yandex.ru https://mc. yandex.ru https://yastatic.net "unsafe-eval""

That's it, the current implementation of Yandex.Advisor is blocked (they constantly change it, so this method is not guaranteed to work in the future).

Actually, let’s look at the components of this line:

  • Header set - purpose of the header.
  • Content-Security-Policy - type of header to assign.
  • default-src - content type (any in this case) for which the domain whitelist will be applied. It would be more correct to use specific types (script-src, img-src, etc.), but then the setup will become much more complicated. By specifying only default-src, we are telling the browser that it can load any type of content from the following domains.
  • "self" - we resolve the domain from which the page itself is loaded (i.e. the main one).
  • *.televizor-x.ru - allow all subdomains of the televizor-x.ru domain (* - any symbols).
  • data: - allow content to be loaded in base64 format and the like (without explicitly specifying this word, it stops loading).
  • "unsafe-inline" - if you do not specify this directive, then all JS and CSS built into the page code (inline) will stop working.
  • "unsafe-eval" - allows dynamically executed code, like eval().
  • https://www.youtube.com, https://yandex.ru, https://mc.yandex.ru, https://yastatic.net - allowed domains of other sites. In this case, they are needed in order for videos to be loaded from YouTube and Yandex.Metrica to work normally.

This method must be used carefully. After adding the basic "default-src "self"" rule, most sites will simply stop working properly. You will have to track (for example, in the developer tools) what exactly has stopped loading and add it to the list. That is, you will need to check absolutely all the functionality of the site on all external and internal pages. This will be especially painful for projects that use a lot of third-party scripts.

A blocked advisor looks like this in the console:


There are probably technical specialists here who have a deeper knowledge of this issue. Feel free to leave clarifications and corrections in the comments.

    The Yandex.Market Advisor could be installed as part of other browser extensions (for example, as part of ).

    If you do not want to use the Advisor, you can disable or delete it. How to do this, see above.

    The advisor can be built into the code of the site where you are researching the product.

    The built-in Yandex.Market Advisor cannot be deleted.

The advisor shows prices for a different region. How to fix it?

You can change the region manually:

    Select an option Specify region manually.

    Make sure your country is selected and then enter the city name.

    Click the Confirm button.

How can I disable the popup bar but not disable the button?

Disable the option Notify me of product price offers.

How to disable the popup bar on only some sites?

Disable the panel on one site Disable the panel on multiple sites

    Add website addresses to the block The advisor is disabled for the sites listed below.

If you are unable to disable the Advisor:

    it may be part of another extension - disable the Advisor in the settings of this extension or in the block Notifications about better offers.

    it can be built into the site code - such an Advisor cannot be disabled.

To find out which Advisor is displayed for you, click on the Advisor pop-up panel.

I didn't find the answer to my question

If you have any problems while working with the Advisor, you can contact support using the feedback form. We ask you to describe the problem that has arisen in as much detail as possible.

The topic is not new at all, but it does not lose its relevance. For those who are not in the know, let's start with a brief description of the problem.

Who is guilty

A person goes to an online store, finds the product he needs and sees this (a recent example from the Eldorado store):

That is, you work on your store, invest a lot of work and money into it, and Yandex on your website offers to buy the same products from competitors at a lower price. "What a twist!"

So where does this infection come from? There is an extension for browsers “Yandex.Market Advisor”, which Yandex, naturally, gives to users with many of its products.

However, the extension that the user installed himself or received along with all sorts of panels is a smaller part of the problem. The man wanted such an Advisor for himself, the man installed it himself. In this case, it is difficult to make a claim (otherwise it would be possible to sue the developers of absolutely all browser extensions).

We also encountered a problem when adding another TV. Of course, no one installed any Yandex Advisor in their working browser. So how did he appear on the site?

The fact is that Yandex apparently has an agreement with the developers of other popular extensions and secretly integrates its Advisor into their products. In this case, you cannot even remove the extension from the browser (in the usual way), since it is not in the list of installed extensions. Most often they complain about the SaveFrom extension, but in our case it was experimentally found that the “Trojan” is located in the friGate extension (it could be any other extension; only Yandex knows the full list).

Smacks of spreading malware, doesn't it?

And the problem is also interesting because you have no idea what part of your visitors this thing is showing and how much money it has already stolen from you.

What to do

The topic is complex for a wide audience, so let’s look at an example of how this is implemented in our country (by the way, it’s surprising that most large retail chains at the time of writing this article had not solved or were not solving this problem).

The following header has been added to the .htaccess file (you can add this header in other ways):

Header set Content-Security-Policy "default-src "self" *.televizor-x.ru data: "unsafe-inline" https://www.youtube.com https://yandex.ru https://mc. yandex.ru https://yastatic.net "unsafe-eval""

That's it, the current implementation of Yandex.Advisor is blocked (they constantly change it, so this method is not guaranteed to work in the future).

Actually, let’s look at the components of this line:

  • Header set - purpose of the header.
  • Content-Security-Policy - type of header to assign.
  • default-src - content type (any in this case) for which the domain whitelist will be applied. It would be more correct to use specific types (script-src, img-src, etc.), but then the setup will become much more complicated. By specifying only default-src, we are telling the browser that it can load any type of content from the following domains.
  • "self" - we resolve the domain from which the page itself is loaded (i.e. the main one).
  • *.televizor-x.ru - allow all subdomains of the televizor-x.ru domain (* - any symbols).
  • data: - allow content to be loaded in base64 format and the like (without explicitly specifying this word, it stops loading).
  • "unsafe-inline" - if you do not specify this directive, then all JS and CSS built into the page code (inline) will stop working.
  • "unsafe-eval" - allows dynamically executed code, like eval().
  • https://www.youtube.com, https://yandex.ru, https://mc.yandex.ru, https://yastatic.net - allowed domains of other sites. In this case, they are needed in order for videos to be loaded from YouTube and Yandex.Metrica to work normally.

This method must be used carefully. After adding the basic "default-src "self"" rule, most sites will simply stop working properly. You will have to track (for example, in the developer tools) what exactly has stopped loading and add it to the list. That is, you will need to check absolutely all the functionality of the site on all external and internal pages. This will be especially painful for projects that use a lot of third-party scripts.

A blocked advisor looks like this in the console:


There are probably technical specialists here who have a deeper knowledge of this issue. Feel free to leave clarifications and corrections in the comments.

Hello everyone, Yandex Market Advisor is a browser extension that helps you understand where is the best place to buy goods on the Internet. This is better I mean in terms of price. That is, on the one hand, this extension is useful, no doubt, but on the other hand, this advisor sometimes somehow penetrates browsers in a hidden way. Well, I had it, although I didn’t install it, I don’t understand where it came from, but there is a suspicion that it was already bundled with the browser...

I will show you how to remove or disable this advisor in Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser. It doesn’t seem to exist in Internet Explorer, but that’s it for now...

But I’ll say it again that in fact the extension can really help, because it really displays a list of prices in different stores and in the end you can save a little money

Let's start with probably the most popular browser, Google Chrome. Open the browser and select Extensions from the menu:

A page with extensions will open; by the way, you can also get here if you just go to this address:


Well, on this page we turn the wheel down and see this Advisor there. To disable it, you just need to uncheck this box:

And to remove this Advisor altogether, just click on the trash can icon, it’s opposite the checkbox

Well, we've sorted out Chrome, now let's move on to the Opera browser, everything is almost the same there. Go to the menu and select Manage extensions there (this section is also located at chrome://extensions/):

Then we find the Yandex Market Advisor and do what is needed with it, that is, either disable it or delete it altogether. To disable it, you just need to click on this button:

And to remove the Advisor, just click on the cross here:

Well, we’ve sorted out Opera, it’s simple. Now let's look at what's going on with Mozilla, everything is almost the same. Select Add-ons from the menu (or go to about:addons):

Now look, here you can also disable the Advisor, as well as delete it, for this there are corresponding buttons opposite the add-on:

Well, now how to remove the Advisor in the Yandex Browser itself, where without it. Here we also select the Add-ons item in the menu (or go to browser://tune):

You probably, like me, will have several extensions, Yandex Browser already comes with several extensions at once and this is the norm.. So we move the mouse and there should be an Advisor there somewhere, to disable it, just move the slider to this position , well, that is, Off..